Linda’s Story | mild® Procedure Patient Testimonial

mild® Procedure Patient Testimonial Transcript

Linda: Life After the mild® Procedure

(00:10) Today, my day starts with things I haven’t done in a long time. I can roll over in one fluid movement and give my husband a kiss and a hug good morning, then I can turn over on the other side and get right up out of bed. I can get down on the floor and do my exercises and my back stretches and I can get right up. I don’t have to crawl to any furniture, I can stand in the kitchen and take care of housekeeping duties and vacuuming, stuff where I’m on my feet and I’m doing stop and go kinds of things for hours before I have to sit now. I no longer look for a chair to sit down when I’m doing department store shopping, locating where the chair is, so that when I need the rest, don’t even think about that anymore. I have much enhancement to the personal side of my relationship with my husband.

It’s not common to read about new procedures and later get exposure to them either personally, or by way of patient report that deliver on the promise of that minimally invasive technique. The mild® Procedure, I can’t think of a way that could have been more minimal and have less impact on my life. It really, I would to do it again. You have no stitches, you have no scarring, you have so little discomfort. Now that I am four weeks out from the mild® Procedure, this life-changing experience, it’s hard for me to imagine what I can’t do. I think I can go back and do things like I did in my thirties with the same level of enjoyment and gusto and stamina. I think that it’s quite possible I could climb a 14-er again.

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